Draco tera KVM system takes Chinese broadcaster to the next level
The Customer
Founded in 2001, Zhejiang Radio and TV Group broadcasts 20 radio and television channels covering all genres and has a staff of over 7000 people. It is owned by the Zhejiang provincial government. As the group has developed and expanded to serve new markets and methods of content delivery it has invested heavily in technology and infrastructure. Making it one of China’s leading broadcast organisations and putting it into a position to confidently embrace the future.
The Challenge
The new Zhejiang International Film and Television Center building houses studios and production facilities and several departments responsible for online and new media operations. In order to give operational staff full access to broadcast equipment and systems, a method was required that would allow them to instantly connect to any device from their own workstation. Even though the source devices are located several tens, or hundreds of metres away in another part of the building. In addition, a large multi-segment videowall was to be installed and there was a need to be able to select and change displayed sources in different operational situations.
The solution is based on a KVM switching network, with a large 160-port Draco tera enterprise KVM switch at the centre, connecting around 100 operators to over 70 source devices.
Operators spread over several floors around the building can connect to any broadcast device located in the central equipment room through the Draco tera switch. Connection is via Cat 6 or fiber cables, depending upon the actual distance involved.
The multi-channel videowall controller is also connected to the KVM switch, so that an administrator can select the most appropriate set of source images to be displayed in any situation.
The Benefit
Operators can instantly connect to each and every device that they need in order to undertake their daily tasks and responsibilities. Using simple keyboard shortcuts each person can easily switch between the broadcast systems whenever they choose. Switching is instant and there is no perceivable delay in the video transmitted, or in the responsiveness of their mouse and keyboard. It is as though the target system was located beneath their own desk.
The IHSE KVM system meets all the objectives of our new broadcast infrastructure and puts us in an excellent position to meet the challenges of the next generation of broadcasting.
– Ye Guang, Technical director of broadcasting control department