Oberteuringen, November 17, 2020 – With an estimated four billion people tuning into major broadcasters across the globe for the 2020 U.S. Presidential election results, the importance of immediate access to real-time data was a key element in producing audience excitement. As part of many broadcast infrastructure setups a KVM (Keyboard, Video, Mouse) computer management system was typically used to allow users quick access to multiple computers and graphics workstations during this live event.
For instance, an IHSE KVM matrix system was the infrastructure computer management system used by a major U.S. cable network as they turned their high-level technology studio into an election day headquarters. With approximately 290 workstations connected to 620 computers, the cable network’s presidential race scoreboard, national popular voter displays and electoral vote count data servers were configured through the KVM system to dynamically connect every creative technician to every graphics server. The strength behind the IHSE system was its ability to allow latency free access to any of several software tools and newsroom graphics software while placing real-time data to multiple virtual sets.
The IHSE engineering support team configured the KVM system using grid line capabilities. The KVM system was configured to manage sources connected through four Draco tera Enterprise matrices and operate as a single flat matrix system. Although the physical KVM matrices were located in different areas, the grid-line concept created a transparent data path between matrices without any path blocking or apparent latency to connections. This allowed users to concentrate on work activities without concerns of interruption or delay on accessing the real-time data.
In live telecasts such as this U.S. Presidential race, the essence of providing immediate access to data is the goal of every major broadcast company. Our Enterprise Matrix Systems are designed to allow ultra-fast connectivity with impeccable performance and we are proud that our KVM systems played such an important role in this historic event.
Manny Patel
CEO and President of IHSE USA, LLC
As reported by the cable news network company itself, the 2020 Election Night coverage was the most watched in their cable history with 13.7 million viewers and included the most creative simulation and enhanced live data graphics ever used by the cable news network.