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IHSE KVM technology for Italian Navy’s special ship project

Oberteuringen, January 16, 2024 – IHSE Draco tera KVM technology selected for use on Special & Diving Operations-Submarine Rescue Ship project

The Italian Navy’s program for the construction of a highly specialized multirole Special & Diving Operations-Submarine Rescue Ship (SDO-SuRS) will offer improved and highly capable facilities to the naval Underwater and Incursor Group Command.

The vessel is destined to fulfil a wide variety of tasks through extensive reconfiguration and flexible application and will support diving activities, sea-bed search and clearing, surveillance and control of critical underwater infrastructures, underwater inspection and submarine recovery amongst others. 

IHSE is operating in collaboration with Leonardo, a global high-technology company in Aerospace, Defense and Security, which is responsible for the vessel’s advanced command and control systems and main equipment. Draco tera KVM technology will provide data extension and switching capability for the extensive range of computer systems used in the project.  

According to Italian Defence Technologies: “The Unit will be equipped with highly reliable equipment and systems accompanied by adequate maintenance to guarantee the required readiness with high levels of operational availability.”

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