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Supplier identification according to § 6 of the German Teleservices Act

Benzstraße 1
D-88094 Oberteuringen
phone: +49 7546 9248-0
fax: +49 7546 9248-48

Trade Register at Country Court Freiburg, HRB 580617
VAT-No: DE146965085
Tax-No.: 61020/03500
Tax Office: Friedrichshafen

Manufacturer according to §3 Abs.12 Satz 2 ElektroG:
WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE39900275

Managing Director: Michael Spatny 

Liable according to § 10 Abs. 3 MDStV:
Michael Spatny
Benzstraße 1
88094 Oberteuringen

External links
The website contains links to other websites over whose content we have no control. For this reason, we cannot accept any liability for these contents.

The respective provider of the linked website is responsible for the content and accuracy of the information provided. At the time of linking, no legal violations were discernible. On becoming aware of such a violation of the law, the link will be removed immediately.

Legal notice
The website of IHSE GmbH, as well as the information and information referred to in this, serves solely for information purposes.

IHSE GmbH does its utmost to ensure that the information given here is up-to-date and correct. We do not, nevertheless, assume any guarantee, assurance or liable for the correctness, completeness, availability etc of the information given on this website or the information which is referred to here.

Neither the IHSE GmbH or any third parties (individuals, businesses) involved in information entry, data forwarding or compilation of the website, are in any way liable for damages arising as a result of access, use or errors regarding the content of this website.

IHSE GmbH is part of Brockhaus Technologies Group.

Brockhaus Technologies Logo schwarze Buchstaben

Design & realization of the website in cooperation with:
Fuchs & Jäger GmbH
Boddinstr. 17
D-12053 Berlin