KVM-Extender unterstützen die Trennung von Personal und Patienten

Während der Coronavirus-Krise treffen Krankenhäuser alle möglichen Vorkehrungen, um Personal und Patienten zu schützen und die Ausbreitung der Infektion innerhalb des Gebäudes zu verhindern. Käme es zur Kontamination der Behandlungsbereiche, müssten Räumlichkeiten und Gebäude für eine tiefenhygienische Reinigung außer Betrieb gesetzt werden und wichtige Krankenhausmitarbeiter könnten unter Umständen krank und arbeitsunfähig werden.

Kontaktverringerung durch Fernüberwachung

Eine sinnvolle Maßnahme, die dazu beitragen kann, die Ausbreitung des Virus einzudämmen, besteht darin, bettseitige und stationäre Überwachungsgeräte in Bereiche zu verlagern oder zu replizieren, die weit entfernt von Patienten mit Krankheitssymptomen liegen. Auf diese Weise können Pfleger und Ärzte die Patienten aus einer größeren Distanz überwachen. Das spart nicht nur Zeit, sondern verringert die Notwendigkeit, ständig auf sie zuzugehen. Dabei wird jedoch das Niveau der persönlichen Betreuung der Patienten nicht beeinträchtigt.

Zentrale Patientenüberwachung durch KVM-System

Für eine sichere Verbindung zwischen Sendern und Empfängern ist eine hochverlässliche Signalverlängerung der Audio- und Videosignale von den Überwachungsgeräten auf externe Bildschirme erforderlich. Diese Übertragung kann einfach mit KVM-Extendern erreicht werden.

KVM-Verlängerung und Umschaltung funktioniert bidirektional. Das heißt, die KVM-Geräte können auch zur Rückübertragung von Signalen an zentralisierte Pflegestationen verwendet werden. So lässt sich leicht eine breitere Überwachung zentral errichten.

Schematische Darstellung des KVM-Systems in der Kinderklinik von Wisconsin

Einbindung von Spezialgeräten und Kameras

Alle Arten von entfernten Geräten, einschließlich Videokameras, lassen sich dabei integrieren. So kann den Patienten trotz knapper personeller Ressourcen ein Höchstmaß an persönlicher Betreuung zuteil werden und gleichzeitig ist die Sicherheit des Pflegepersonals gewährleistet.

Mehr zum Thema:

Remote computer access for safe working at a distance during the Covid-19 crisis

The Covid-19 Coronavirus crisis has focused attention on the need to provide safe and secure working conditions for essential workers. Many industries and services have to continue to operate effectively during the pandemic even with reduced staffing levels and with social distancing measures making it harder for colleagues to cooperate closely with each other.

The need for resilient remote computer connection

All these activities highlight the desperate need to provide a highly secure, totally reliable and effective connection between remote workers and their computer systems upon which so many mission-critical services rely. Whether they are located in an adjoining hospital room, on a different floor or building or even many miles away if the operator is working from home or in a back-up facility.

Draco vario Secure IP Remote Access Gateway (SIRA) – a complete solution

One of the most effective, secure and reliable ways to make these connections is through KVM (Keyboard, Video, Mouse) interconnection over an IP-network. IHSE’s IP module SIRA (Draco vario Secure IP Remote Access Gateway) provides that solution.

Unlike virtual TCP/IP interface systems that require software installation, introduce processing delay and are prone to cyber-attack, SIRA connects between the video and HID ports and transmits just the video and interactive commands (mouse movement and keyboard keystrokes) between the user and the computer, thereby forming a direct user connection to the device. It completely overcomes the complexity and security issues associated with virtual systems.

Simple implementation and operation

It is essential for any solution to be implemented quickly and easily – often by staff with limited facilities and computer expertise, such as those working from home.

Security and access control

Control of the operator equipment and access to sensitive computer systems is maintained by the system administrator at the central computer end to ensure total computer security and restrict user access.

Point-to-point connection

The simplest connection uses a point-to-point infrastructure that allows a single operator to access a dedicated computer.

SIRA: Direct Connect Setup

Multi-computer setups

Individual users can be given access to up to eight separate computers – either by individual switched connection or multiview layout on a single screen; making the system even more flexible and convenient.

SIRA: Multi-Screen Setup

Flexibility for temporary and short-lived situation

We all hope that the Covid-19 crisis will pass quickly and that these measures will only be needed for a short period of time. IHSE’s IP module SIRA offers a highly-effective solution for the current crisis that can be used to solve these short-term issues.


KVM aids social distancing measures for essential workers

In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, many countries have instigated social distance measures for their citizens. For most, this means that people who are not related, or living together, should remain at least two meters apart. In social circumstances this is reasonably achievable with common-sense and consideration.

Home office not possible in all environments

Governments around the world have mandated that people work from home where possible and only perform essential tasks at their normal place of work when it cannot be avoided. In a lot of work environments social distancing is not always easy. In particular in office settings and control rooms in which desks and workstations are spaced close together and operators sit within the two-meter recommended distance from each other.

Quite often there is a need to access computers and workstations that are fixed in location because of the layout of the surrounding equipment and technical infrastructure. Typical examples are operations control stations in plant and process control systems, broadcast transmission galleries and security and surveillance posts in government facilities.

Physically relocating fixed equipment to achieve social distancing at desks is not always possible: there may be insufficient space or rerouting interconnecting wiring may not be possible.

Simple relocation of the workstations

KVM extenders enable computer access from remotely-located workstations

An alternative lies in the use of KVM extenders and switches. Simply by inserting a pair of console (CON) and local (CPU) devices between the computer source and operator it is possible to move the control position to virtually any new location: whether that is simply a few meters away in the same room, in another room within the same building or even in a distant facility several tens of kilometers away.

A KVM extender offers a full robust and reliable connection between the operator and his, or her, computer. All features and facilities remain operational; keyboard and mouse commands operate as normal and the visual image is as good.

Access to several computers from any location

A small KVM switch can be included that will enable several operators to access a bank of computers from any location giving even more flexibility. This will also help in situations where a whole room may need to be relocated, for example should it need to be deep-cleaned.

Both of these scenarios can be implemented rapidly and very easily on a temporary basis, enabling organizations to respond quickly, maintain essential operations and look after the health of their critical workers.

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IP connectivity enables remote access to secure KVM systems

In these unprecedented and uncertain times, businesses and public sector organizations are focusing on how they can continue to operate and remain effective in times of crisis and ensure their survival in the future.

Enterprises are built around people who have a need to access data, communicate with each other and perform activities and tasks. People across the globe are currently being asked to work remotely and many jobs are being undertaken in this way. Remote network access to computers, video communication and conferencing is enabling viable and effective working.

However, many tasks cannot be carried out from a distance simply because robust and resilient technological infrastructure is not in place to support them. Examples are technical support jobs that need low-level computer access and control room operations that rely on absolute data integrity and instant access to process control systems. Current and common technology is not up to the demanding performance levels required to fulfil these tasks.

Fully efficient and secure home office

A solution to this is offered by IHSE’s IP module (Draco vario Secure IP Remote Access Gateway; short: SIRA) which overcomes the problems associated with security, accessibility, immediacy and image quality of traditional packetized remote IP-connection to distant computers using client-server models.

SIRA’s premise is simple and straightforward. It provides KVM extension over an IP network by extending keyboard, mouse, USB, embedded audio and video signals; in the same manner that IHSE’s traditional KVM extenders transfer signals. It means that a remote operator can access any desired computer, at any distance away, using a keyboard and mouse as though they were physically located alongside that computer.

The signals passed between the operator and computer retain full integrity, have the highest possible transmission rate with least network load and complexity and can be switched on demand. Crucially, total system security is maintained: data transferred over the network can be restricted to visual images and USB commands, making it impossible to mount cyber attacks that take operational control of computers or plant malicious software.

Die zwischen Anwender und Computer übertragenen Signale behalten ihre volle Integrität, haben die höchstmögliche Übertragungsrate und können bei Bedarf umgeschaltet werden. Entscheidend ist, dass die vollständige Systemsicherheit erhalten bleibt: Die einzigen über das Netzwerk übertragenen Daten sind visuelle Bilder und USB-Befehle. Daher ist es unmöglich, Cyber-Angriffe zu starten, die die Kontrolle über den Betrieb von Computern übernehmen oder bösartige Software installieren.

Backup for evacuation scenarios

Functional Diagram: SIRA (Secure IP Remote Access Gateway) offers flexible and secure KVM access from anywhere

The SIRA IP Gateway not only enables workers to continue working in the most secure and effective way whilst isolated at home but permits secondary back up facilities to be created for use should the primary center be compromised in any way. In the current situation this may be when an operator falls ill and the whole control area needs to be evacuated and cleaned before it may be used again.

SIRA can be incorporated into an existing IHSE KVM system or included as part of a remote operating facility as a point-to-point extender; allowing essential workers to access crucial systems with maximum security, wherever they happen to be. And ensure that their organization remains operational now and viable in the future.